Welcome to Daveswx.com

This is my attempt at a new design web site.  MANY mistakes are likely.  Links to existing pages should still work.

Links to existing pages in the current site are shown below.

Frequently Used Pages

Hemispheric Plots

Hemispheric plots include full Northern Hemisphere analyses based on 0.25 degree GFS grids.

Regional and Local Plots

CONUS Area Plots

Regional and local plots include analyses for the eastern United States base on smoothed RTMA  and NAMNEST grids as well as some GOES satellite and MRMS plots.

CONUS area plots include analyses based on GFS grids covering a reduced area. There are also forecasts of several maximum and minimum parameters out to 96 hours.

Regional Plosts are at: https://www.daveswx.com/indexRegionalSFC.html

RAOBS are at:


HREF Forecasts are at: https://www.daveswx.com/indexHREF.html

Hemispheric Analyses are at: https://www.daveswx.com/indexHemispheric.html

CONUS Area Analyses are at:


Links to Other Sites are at: https://www.daveswx.com/links.html